Latest articles on making big changes, overcoming challenges, energy & burnout, being true to yourself, & creating your ideal career (and life) in a healthy way.

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Want to make big changes in your life, finally follow your heart and meet your soul, and design a roadmap towards your ideal future, no matter how out of reach it feels?

You’re in the right place at the right time

Yekaterina Benson Yekaterina Benson


If you struggle with procrastination, if you have some big goals that it’s been hard to make progress on, if you find yourself facing the same big challenge again and again - I see you, I was you, and I wrote this for you. Find out one of my favorite ways to rise ABOVE fear.

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Yekaterina Benson Yekaterina Benson

Supporting Energy in Summertime

For some of us, summer is a time to relax, enjoy the outdoors, slow down a bit, take vacations, hang out with friends and family. For others, it’s a really busy season, with tight deadlines, lots of extra work, personal projects, and social obligations. Whichever way your summer goes, it’s important to prioritize our energy. Find out how best to do that for all 4 energy types.

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Yekaterina Benson Yekaterina Benson

4 Energy Types & 4 Levels of Burnout (II)

How to start recovering from the four types of burnout: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Why we should maintain healthy energy levels of all four types. How to learn to feel your different energies, when they’re low, and when you’re approaching burnout.

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Yekaterina Benson Yekaterina Benson

4 Energy Types & 4 Levels of Burnout (I)

It’s all energy. But thinking of it as an all-encompassing, generic term is not helpful when we’re trying to troubleshoot our energy: make it more stable, figure out why it’s low, or make it stop crashing every so often. In order to properly diagnose and heal burnout, it’s important to be able to distinguish between the 4 types - and know what to do for each.

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Yekaterina Benson Yekaterina Benson

Career Longevity: What it’s About

To quit or not to quit? What is career longevity, and how to achieve it? What four aspects are important to career longevity, avoiding burnout, and living in alignment with your life’s mission.

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