I help folks figure out what’s missing from their life and how to make it RIGHT.
Hi! I’m Kat, and I’m a painter and a life coach.
While I wasn’t always a coach, I definitely was always an artist!
But I had forgotten that for a whole decade. I pursued goals, careers, and life paths that were “smart,” but weren’t aligned with who I was.
This caused me immense pain, confusion, frustration, and burnout. I was successful on paper, but it never felt right.
I now know: that’s because I wasn’t on my own unique PATH OF PURPOSE.
MY JOURNEY & mission
Are you? (“Am I? How do I know?”)
Read on!
My “high road to success” in my first career was paved with stressful all-nighters, anxiety and panic attacks, autoimmune disorders, chronic disease, burnout, trips to the ER, and well-hidden self-hatred (all of this: before/by the age of 25).
In other words: I was stuck in a loop of trading my wellbeing and happiness for money and “success.”
OTHER people’s definition of success.
Thankfully, I had a number of “wake up calls” (most of them: in the form of severe, debilitating physical health issues) that had me reassess how I’m living my life.
So I redirected. Again, again, and again.
I learned to redirect in major ways. How to overhaul my entire life. How to make huge lifestyle changes and lasting habit swaps. Rewire my brain, retrain my nervous system, reshape my identity, reclaim my strengths, break unhealthy patterns, bust limiting beliefs, love myself, see my worth, live by my values, and master my energy.
After years of research, learning, healing, getting help, and soul searching, I can now say with 100% confidence: I am IN LOVE with my life, and I’m on the right path for me.
And it feels SO GOOD. And I want to help you experience the same transformation!
Start your redirection journey:
available on
Want to make big changes in your life, finally follow your heart and meet your soul, and design a roadmap towards your ideal future, no matter how out of reach it feels?
You’re in the right place at the right time
My Clients Say:
I was at this self proclaimed "breaking point" before I found Kat and her Radical Redirection program. I expected a plan for my life's new direction and I received so much more than that. I received so many lessons on myself, and my vision for my future. As a result of this program, I am so much more confident in my strengths and my ability to make shit happen for myself. Kat was able to help me find many smaller plans within my much grander plan, and that was absolutely paramount for my success.
I received many strategies to enable me to continue to redirect my strategic plan along the way as life throws me curveballs. And I can proudly say, I am going to be much less hard on myself as I gracefully move forward to my next milestones.
Thank you Kat for your wonderful program, and your continued support along the way. It was truly so much more personal than any other online course format I have ever done. I felt really valued during these 4 months and felt that you were truly invested in my progress and success throughout this program.
- MM
Kat's coaching style and techniques provide exactly what the modern woman needs to conquer work/life imbalances, societal expectations, and the many forms of burnout - including those we don't even know we experience. Her psychology and logic-based, spiritually fueled, and emotionally nurturing approach to coaching leads one to instantly start getting to know themselves better. She sees me, and surely sees all of her clients, as their true and best selves, and just one session with Kat will have you asking deep questions about yourself and the environment around you.
- JM
My Principles & method
In 2 words: personalization & alignment!
In coaching, one size never fits all! Personalization is the key to sustainable & effective life change. All of my programs are always tailored to your unique needs, strengths, and goals.
My approach is all about alignment: discovering exactly what your body needs for optimal function, what your mental health requires, which life path is most fulfilling for your soul - and then designing a plan towards all of the above.
I combine coaching, mindfulness, health education, and spiritual guidance in all of my programs for a holistic experience - and I’ll always see you as the expert on you.
What’s coaching? Are you certified?
Coaching is a proven method of behavior change. That means: you get a full lifestyle transformation & major mindset shifts.
I am a certified functional health coach trained in modalities such as positive psychology, habit formation & reversal, motivational interviewing, the transtheoretical model of change, and conflict resolution. I bring these skills to every session to help you break through barriers and shape your life into what you want it to be.
I am also trained in functional health. That means: you get to learn what is healthy for you specifically, how to match your lifestyle to your body’s physical needs, and which choices and habits are currently contributing to your fatigue.
Lastly, I’ve been through an intense journey of my own, one that tied together health, leadership, and spirituality. I’ve interwoven all three into my unique programs, and I want to show you how all three are integral to designing and living a fulfilling, happy, and impactful life.
Working with me, my Clients:
Feel heard, recognized, and supported
Seen for their efforts
Appreciated for their strengths & gifts
Capable & empowered to take action
Confident with their abilities & resources
Able to take on more than before
Flowing & easeful in their progress
Find deeper meaning, purpose, and direction
Figure out what’s important in their lives
Define their big life goals & desires
Create a workable plan to move in the direction of those goals & desires
Feel excited about their life’s mission
Gain a strong sense of WHY they do what they do
Learn what optimal wellbeing looks like
Find THEIR ideal way - not someone else’s diet, workout plan, or routine
Take ownership of their health - and life!
Learn how their daily choices affect their bodies and minds
Gain tools & strategies for more energy and better mental health
Who I work with
Success-oriented women who want to make a difference in the world,
Current & aspiring leaders across multiple industries,
Stressed, overwhelmed, and fatigued - at work, in life, in general,
Concerned with fatigue/mental health/physical discomfort slowing them down in their professional growth,
Stuck in a cycle of despair (overwork, burnout, recovery, overwork) and not getting far with personal goals,
Getting lots done but sacrificing hobbies, free time, self-care, personal desires and happiness in the process.
Is this you?
i love what I do because my clients get to:
Wake up refreshed & excited in the morning, and ready to take on any challenge!
Show up more confident, at work and in life, with strong boundaries and sense of worthiness!
Understand themselves better: their physical and emotional needs, their strengths, their best ways of overcoming challenges, as well as their deepest desires.
Lead by example with their healthy habits!
Be calmer, happier, and more centered (and say “bye” to mental breakdowns)!
Have time for themselves: their hobbies, personal projects, weekends, and self-care.
Structure their lives around their true priorities - and not around anyone else’s!
Feel resilient, strong, and able to take on any work challenge!
Make real progress towards their wellness goals (and life goals!) with ease and motivation!