Ready for your Radical Redirection?

Let’s find the golden thread of prosperity that connects your dreams, values, passions, and strengths. 

Rekindle your inner fire and multiply your energy so you can make the impact you’re here to make. 

And reverse-engineer meaningful work based on the life you want to lead.

Go through the steps with me. Create yourself a new life in 4 months.

What can I expect?

  • 1st call: clarity on what will make your life feel amazing

  • 2 weeks to feeling on fire to keep going

  • 1 month to feeling purposeful and on track every day

  • 2 months to feeling bigger, bolder, and anchored in yourself

  • 3 months to being able to preempt setbacks and do it all on your own

And by the end of the 4-month program, you’ll be on your way towards your dreams with concrete steps, resources, and confidence.

What Will I NEED TO DO?

  • Show up to the calls!

  • Actively ask me questions & seek support in-between calls

  • Do the occasional “homework” for even bigger insights

  • Try the suggested mental exercises throughout your day

  • Commit to your dreams & desires!

Coaching helps you change from the inside out. Any daily action on top of that multiplies your result.

MORE options for 1:1 support:

“I want to…”

  • >> find better work-life balance that supports my health & goals!

  • >> Stop feeling exhausted & maxed out all the time!

  • >> Not sure, but I'm stuck and tired and it sucks!

  • Energy & Balance Coaching

    Get more done with less effort! Strategically tweak your lifestyle to improve energy levels, daily mental health, and creative output.

  • Stress & Burnout Coaching

    Reach new heights of your career without burnout: build stress resilience, raise your energy levels, and reclaim your life outside of work.

  • Single Session Strategy

    Overcome self-sabotage, have a crazy breakthrough, or find a way forward where there was none before.

try my self-paced course on
burnout recovery & prevention

A powerful self-paced course to help you take charge of your energy & health: identify your burnout type, design a unique healing strategy, & learn how to fulfill your energy needs through simple lifestyle changes. Tiredness, anxiety, and recurring burnout will no longer drive your life!

what to expect

  • Improved health on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual

  • Burnout relief in as little as 2 weeks

  • Significant increase of energy levels

  • More agency over your wellbeing, day-to-day state and moods

  • Greater confidence, mental clarity, improved sense of self-worth & self-love

  • In-depth awareness and understanding of your body needs and signals

what you’ll get

  • Comprehensive materials loaded with information about burnout - and how yours is unique

  • Over 100 ideas of how to improve your energy levels

  • A step-by-step guide to designing your custom healing strategy (for burnout AND future burnout prevention)

  • 3 coaching calls, at your own pace - to support you in the process of learning, planning, and burnout recovery

  • Personalized toolbox for dealing with exhaustion, difficult emotions, and stressful situations

  • Understanding of what gives you energy and what depletes you, what’s contributes to your health and what causes you pain/fatigue/discomfort


Ideal for someone who needs burnout help - fast!

And is looking for a small time commitment with big results

Self-paced online course

“Help! I don’t know what I need, but i need it now!”

If you’re not sure which offering is right for you, but you DO want to make changes to your wellbeing right away, book a 90-minute Strategy Intensive call.

We’ll dive deep into your VISION, VALUES, GOALS, and DESIRES, and create a custom plan to get you feeling better and on track. No matter what your health goals are - we can strategize to get you there!

Concerns & conditions I have experience working with:

Mental & emotional health:

Trauma, anxiety, low self-esteem, low self-worth, eating disorders, depression

Physical health:

Nutrient deficiencies, endometriosis, type 1 and 2 diabetes, food sensitivities, ulcerative colitis, digestive issues, neuropathy

Whole body health:

Fatigue, brain fog, burnout, sleep issues, post-cancer care, post-injury care, autoimmunity

What my clients say:

Kat's Stress SOS service helped me redevelop agency after trauma, broaden my approaches to problem solving with creative and visual approaches, and emerge healthier and stronger after a challenging year. She tailors each check in to what I need most at that time, keeps me accountable to my goals, all with directness balanced with empathy. Working with her is building my skill set to take on roles of increasing responsibility and to make enduring change in a world that needs compassionate, focused, effective, and diverse strategic leaders.

- KK



How is this different from therapy or counseling?

Great question! In coaching, the focus is on the future - and how to get there. All of my programs dive deep into your vision (for yourself and your wellness), your goals, your dreams, the life that you truly desire. Then we co-create a detailed custom strategy for how you can attain it all. Coaching is all about finding a path forward using the strengths, resources, advantages, and tools that are available to you. While we might do some work with mindset, trauma, and mental health, it will all be focused on getting you to overcome your current challenges. Many of my clients see a therapist in addition to coaching, and find the additional support helpful. My programs have many components aimed at health, habits, goal setting, planning, and most importantly - coaching that’s tailored to your specific situation. If you’re unsure, reach out anyway! In the free consultation call, I can guide you towards picking that works for you.

which physical health issues do you primarily help with?

My main areas of expertise are stress and fatigue (exhaustion, burnout, unexplained persistent tiredness).

What does a session with you look like?

All my sessions are conducted over Zoom video. During our time together, I will ask you questions, offer any relevant teaching or information, guide you in meditations, offer visualization or verbal exercises, and give you space to think, feel, and process. “Transformative conversation” barely begins to describe it!

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes! The 4-month Radical Redirection program has a monthly payment plan option. Some other options are month-to-month, meaning you pay monthly and can cancel anytime.

Can i book a free consultation before committing?

Absolutely! In fact, I always get on a phone call with a potential client, to make sure we’re a good fit, before they make a commitment. That initial phone call is always free. So yes, reach out and let’s talk first!

I have a chronic illness - will I still benefit from working with you?

Yes! I frequently work with clients with a chronic condition and together we come up with a custom plan that fits their needs and lifestyle.

I live outside the United States, can I still work with you?

Unfortunately, I do not take clients outside the US right now. Hopefully, that will change soon!